Vrijwillige veilig Almere V1 banner IMMO Arie van der Lee

Voluntary Auction Almere

The housing market is constantly changing, and we like to change along with it. A new way to sell or buy houses is by means of an auction. This provides a faster sale, more clarity and much more transparency.

How does the voluntary auction of a house in Almere work?

Personal consultation

Do you want to sell your house? We would like to meet you first. During the personal consultation we will explain step by step how the voluntary auction works. We also determine the target price of the house in consultation with you. This is not the definitive asking price, but an amount at which the auction will start. The buyers who are interested can only bid above this amount.

Determine Price

The voluntary auction works completely differently than you might be used to. After all, the buyer pays an auction fee of 2% of the startingprice and the buyer can simply include this in his mortgage. The purchase price is increased by 2% auction costs over the startingprice, this is also clearle mentioned on the website when someone is going to place a bid.

Preparing the offer

We want to make sure that we offer your house as good as possible, in this way the interested parties will know exactly what to expect. Photos and floor plans are important for this goal. Of course, the house on offer will be provided with an attractive text.

Promotion house

Your house will be placed entirely on Funda and on our website including photos, description of the house and floor plans. Buyers who are interested can also view and download the cadastral map, energy label, zoning plan, list of items and questionnaire after registration. If you have an architectural report of your property, it will also be placed on the site. In addition, your house will be placed on social media, including Instagram and Facebook, and you will be provided with an advertising campaign. We will also place a sign for sale at your house with the announcement that the sale will take place through a voluntary auction.

Viewing moments

We plan a number of viewing moments per auction, these are strategically planned to allow as many interested people as possible to look at your house. The moments are clearly announced on our website. As a seller you do not have to worry about all kinds of viewings throughout the week, so you immediately know where you stand. After the auction starts, the auction clock will be extended by 15 minutes if a bid is made within 15 minutes before the auction ends.

Beginning the auction

The auction will open on the day of the first Open House. From that moment on, interested parties have seven days to place a bid on the house. The bidding starts from the agreed target price, after which the interested parties can outbid each other.

The best bid

The entire bidding process is done online. Buyers can place a bid on the property after registration. As a selling party you can also follow these bids. The buyers who have bid also get to know by email when their bid is outbid. The bidding process is completely transparent. The bidders can also see how long the auction will last and adjust their bid up to the end time. In addition to the price, you are also asked to state the conditions, such as, for example, subject to financing, and the bidder may justify his bid. An auction clock is running which expires at the agreed time. The auction is then closed unless someone makes another bid in the last 15 minutes before the auction ends. In that case, the auction is extended by 15 minutes and everyone has the opportunity to adjust the bid.

Seller's award

The auction takes place subject to the seller's award. The seller will make a choice after the auction closes for which buyer he chooses. This does not necessarily have to be the highest bid, but can therefore also be a lower bid with more favorable conditions.

Purchase agreement

The real estate agency will draw up the purchase agreement. The buyer and seller sign the purchase agreement. The sales process takes about a month and the house is sold in a fair and transparent way.


The house will be transported at the notary. The notary ensures that the agreements made are observed. The purchase price plus the auction fee of 2% of the target price is paid to the seller. The seller then pays the auction fee to the real estate agency.

How does the voluntary auction of a house in Almere work for the buyer?

If you are interested in a house you can register with us to participate in the auction of a house in Almere. We will treat your details confidentially. The bids are made with a username of your choice, this way you can remain anonymous. Each bid is visible, this ensures more transparency. As a bidder you can also add reservations and buying motivation, these are only visible to the seller and the real estate agency.

It is a real auction, which means that you can also be outbid. You can also outbid yourself. During an auction it is of course possible to bid more often, if you have the highest bid you cannot outbid yourself. By mail you will be kept informed of the progress of the bidding process.

All the advantages of auctioning your house on a row

The buyer pays an auction fee of 2% of the agreed target price

During the auction, the bidding process is clear to everyone, giving everyone the same opportunities.

The sale of houses takes place under the condition of award by the seller. This means that the seller always has the final say when it comes to the final sale decision.

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