Nine tips before you start packing

First of all!

Congratulations on the purchase of your new home! As a real estate agency, we receive many questions about this process, so we have compiled a list of nine tips to make packing your belongings and moving easier.

  1. Plan your Packing wisely

    Before you start packing, it’s a good idea to create a schedule, outlining what to pack and when. This will help you avoid spending an entire weekend packing non-stop.

  2. Think about what goes in each box

    One of the most common mistakes that lead to broken belongings is assuming that heavy items should go in large boxes. However, this is not true! Fill large boxes with light items, and use small boxes for heavier objects.

  3. Label the boxes

    Which box had your shoes again? And where is that box now? Make it easy on yourself by labeling each box. It’s also helpful to write which room the box belongs in. This way, you’ll know exactly what’s in each box. Remember to label the sides of the box too, so you can identify them even when stacked.

  4. Sort through your belongings and decide what should really move to the new house

    Anything you haven’t used in the past year, such as broken items, irrelevant paperwork, etc., if it doesn’t serve a purpose or bring you joy, pass it on to someone else or get rid of it! This will also reduce the amount of packing.

  5. Flammable items

    Flammable or highly combustible liquids and aerosols should be moved with care. Items like these, along with hazardous substances, should be transported separately. Changes in temperature and pressure can cause leaks or even explosions, so handle these items carefully.

  6. Measure large items

    Nothing is more frustrating than finding out your sofa won’t fit through the door. Measure large items and check if they will fit through doorways. This will help you avoid unnecessary headaches.

  7. Change your address before moving in

    This may seem obvious for important things, but don’t forget the ‘smaller’ items. Remember to update your address for credit cards, bank information, magazine subscriptions, and your email address.

  8. Take photos of cables before packing

    Snap a photo of the cords at the back of your electronics before disconnecting them. This way, you’ll know exactly how to reconnect them when setting them up again. This will save you a lot of time and confusion later.

  9. Start off on the right foot

    Introduce yourself to your new neighbors and let them know you’ll be moving in. Make sure the moving truck doesn’t block driveways or streets when your neighbor might be returning home. Also, ensure there’s enough space for the truck to park, especially on busy streets, as delays could increase the overall moving costs.

Are you looking for help with selling your home or planning to buy one?

You can contact us via the contact form, by phone, or feel free to drop by! We are happy to assist you!