
Patrick Twaalfhoven

Finalinq is a nationwide organization of collaborating advisors. These advisors are well-rounded specialists in financial matters. Our focus is on homeownership, where we are happy to assist you in good times, but also when things get tough.

Our services include mortgage advice when purchasing a new home or making adjustments to your current one. We also stand by your side with advice and support if your personal situation has changed to the point where you’ve lost track of your income and expenses. Through a budget analysis, we aim to restore the balance between your income and expenses, with the goal of creating financial peace during a difficult period.


Patrick Twaalfhoven works at FINALINQ, the financial designers in Almere.

Function: Financial Advisor
Phone number: +31 6 27 28 74 25
E-mail address: patrick@finalinq.nl


Website: www.finalinq.nl

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