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What should an agent be affiliated with?

Suppose you want to sell your home or are looking for a new one. How can you determine if you’re dealing with a reliable and professional party? One of the best things you can do is check if the real estate office is affiliated with the right associations. We understand that you might not be familiar with these associations. Fortunately, in this article, we’ll show you which affiliations a good agent should have.

The importance of affiliation

Choosing an agent who is affiliated with the right associations or organizations provides more certainty about the selling process. All agents who are members of these associations meet high standards, as membership requires adherence to these standards. It is important for an agent to be affiliated with the right association or organization. There are several organizations for agents in our country. The most well-known is the Nederlandse Coöperatieve Vereniging van Makelaars en Taxateurs in Onroerende Goederen (NVM), which is considered the best. Alternatives include agents affiliated with vastgoedPRO or VBO. You can usually find more information about an agent’s membership on their website, often indicated by a badge or icon. If you don’t see this, you can always contact the office for more information; they will be happy to share it with you. Paying attention to this will make finding the right agent much easier.

How do you know if an agent is truly a good fit for you? We have various blogs on this topic, and you can always refer to them if you need help.