Why should you hire a real estate agent to sell your house V1 IMMO Arie van der Lee

Why should you hire a real estate agent to sell your house?

Why Should You Hire a Real Estate Agent to Sell Your House?

People looking to sell their home often turn to a real estate agent. This is the party you can rely on for the sale of a particular property. You might be considering selling your home but are unsure of the benefits of using an agent. If this sounds familiar, we highly recommend reading on. In this article, we’ll show you why hiring a real estate agent is a smart decision.

The Sale Process Is Fair

While not all real estate agents are members of the Real Estate Association, those who are agree to adhere to a code of ethics. This code essentially ensures that agents treat all parties in a transaction fairly. According to the code, the agent is required to prioritize the client’s interests over their own. They are also obligated to fully disclose any issues with a property and to be truthful in the sale or purchase process. This ethical code must be followed strictly; otherwise, there can be serious consequences, such as fines or suspension from the association for a year. This gives you peace of mind that the sale will be handled fairly.

Maximizing the Sale Price of the Property

Most agents can set a price for a home the moment they walk through the door. With experience in the market, they also know how well a neighborhood retains its value. While anyone can spend a few minutes online and find information about the sale prices of comparable homes, agents have the experience to know if a particular home is overpriced or underpriced. At best, this allows you to get more for your house when you sell.

The Paperwork Is Always in Order

If you’ve ever bought a house, you probably have a full shelf somewhere in your home dedicated to the documents involved in the transaction. These likely include the written offer, the signed counteroffer, the small details (such as specific repairs), and exactly what is and isn’t included in the sale. The paperwork can be exhausting. This is where a good agent can help you. Agents are often able to take care of everything for you. As a result, they can save you a lot of time and effort during the sale. The chance of missing something small, like failing to sign a page or not checking a box, is significantly reduced when working with someone who knows the paperwork inside and out.